Components of the program
- EU integration of Serbia and its implications on the local level
- Environmental protection
- Gender equality at local level
- Improving business environment at local level
- Strengthening of SCTM's capacity
With support of Sweden and in cooperation with Swedish Association of Local Authorities and Regions (SALAR), Standing Conference of Towns and Municipalities - National Association of Local Authorities in Serbia launched the program aiming at strengthening democracy, equitable and sustainable development in relation to local governance and closer ties between Serbia and EU. Our intention is that by the end of Program’s implementation local authorities in Serbia are prepared enough to meet the requirements facing on the road to the European Union.
Sweden approved financing for this program of support to local authorities in Serbia and SCTM on December 13th 2011, when the agreement with SCTM was signed. The Program activities will be implemented during a period of 36 months, with a foreseen completion date of December 14th 2014.
The Program is based upon bilateral cooperation between two sister organizations of local governments, SALAR and SCTM. Each association has a special role within the Program: while the SCTM is the main implementing partner, SALAR will primarily act as a resource base for providing international expertise i.e. SALAR will be involved mainly in the transfer of knowledge and the provision of technical assistance to support SCTM and Serbian local authorities.